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Dallapiccola 2025

  • Ragghianti Foundation 3 Via San Micheletto Lucca, Toscana, 55100 Italy (map)

On the day of Luigi Dallapiccola 's birth (Pisino, 3 February 1904 - Florence, 19 February 1975) and on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his death, a series of events promoted by the Study Centre named after the composer is starting at the Ragghianti Foundation . This is not a casual choice, given that the visual aspect is a central element in the vision of the great Istrian musician , one of the greatest Italian authors of the 20th century .

The conference, introduced by Paolo Bolpagni , director of the Ragghianti Foundation, and held by Mario Ruffini , president of the Luigi Dallapiccola Study Centre and of the Music and Performing Arts Class of the Academy of the Arts of Drawing in Florence, will be held on Monday 3 February at 5:45 pm in the “Vincenzo Da Massa Carrara” conference room (in via San Micheletto, 3) in Lucca, and will be entitled The three “critofilms” with music by Luigi Dallapiccola . Admission is free.

The short films Incontri con Roma / Le Accademie stranieri (Lux Film, 1948, directed by Vittorio Carpignano), L'esperienza del Cubismo (Lux Film, 1949, directed by Glauco Pellegrini) and Il Cenacolo di Leonardo (Rizzoli Film, 1953, directed by Luigi Rognoni) will be screened, for which Dallapiccola wrote the music. The event will also see the participation of the guitarist Ganesh Del Vescovo , who will perform for the occasion, in a world premiere, Dallapiccola's Quaderno musicale di Annalibera in the transcription for solo guitar. MORE INFO

3 February

I lunedì in inglese a Lucca

4 February

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