The Coins of Our Great Grandparents
to 8 Aug

The Coins of Our Great Grandparents

The coins of our great-grandparents. Paper money of necessity in Italy since the second half of the nineteenth century. The Antica Zecca Foundation of Lucca returns to the memory of our origins and does so with an exhibition created thanks to Intesa Sanpaolo, which loaned specimens from its paper money collection entrusted to the Ivan Bruschi Foundation of Arezzo.

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Elliott Erwitt - Icons Exhibition
to 4 May

Elliott Erwitt - Icons Exhibition

Discover 80 iconic shots that tell the story, culture and irony of the 20th century. From portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Che Guevara, to historical meetings such as Nixon and Khrushchev, to images steeped in surrealism and humor.

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Puccini Concerts in Lucca
al 31 dicembre

Puccini Concerts in Lucca

Puccini e la sua Lucca - the Puccini International Permanent Festival in Lucca’s warm and affectionate tribute to Giacomo Puccini - offers six other concerts, in addition to “A Night At The Opera”, celebrating the music of the great masters, the titles of which include “Puccini’s Women”, “Puccini & The Traditional Neapolitan Songs” and “Puccini & Verdi”.

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to 2 Mar


On Sunday 2 February, at 6 pm, the exhibition entitled "Zoetica" by the Lucca-born sculptor Giulia Santarini, curated by Alessandro Romanini, opens at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni (in Piazza San Martino ). An initiative that is part of the in-depth study and rediscovery of the personalities of the artists and personalities of the Lucca area

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Rigali Meets Puccini Art Exhibition
to 26 Jan

Rigali Meets Puccini Art Exhibition

The exhibition “The contemporary painting of Luca Paparo and Sandra Rigali meets Puccini continues until January 26th, registering a high level of public approval. Who placed so much strength in your heart?...” at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Lucca, with free entry.

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Christmas Fair in Forte dei Marmi
to 26 Dec

Christmas Fair in Forte dei Marmi

  • Piazza Garibaldi Forte dei Marmi, Toscana, 55042 Italy (map)
  • Calendario Google ICS

In a difficult time for the economy, small business is more important than ever. The group "I buy Toscano!" was born with the aim of promoting local products and companies in Tuscany and are holding a Christmas Fair in Forte dei Marmi.

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Giacomo Puccini Manifesto
to 2 Mar

Giacomo Puccini Manifesto

An unprecedented exhibition in Giacomo Puccini's hometown to celebrate his Genius one hundred years after his death. For the first time, the relationship between Giacomo Puccini and the advertising poster is on display: over 100 original posters tell the story of Puccini's life and the history of Italy. From historical to contemporary posters, fundamental works of European advertising graphics will be on display.

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Giacomo Puccini Manifesto Exhibition Opens
to 2 Mar

Giacomo Puccini Manifesto Exhibition Opens

An unprecedented exhibition in Giacomo Puccini's hometown to celebrate his Genius one hundred years after his death. For the first time, the relationship between Giacomo Puccini and the advertising poster is on display: over 100 original posters tell the story of Puccini's life and the history of Italy. From historical to contemporary posters, fundamental works of European advertising graphics will be on display.

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Lucca Magical Christmas 2024
to 6 Jan

Lucca Magical Christmas 2024

An atmosphere of serenity and celebration in the streets and squares of Lucca. It's time to unplug and dedicate yourself to your dearest affections and most loved things, to small serene thoughts to keep for the whole year, to hot chocolate in a place full of smiles. Lucca awaits you for a magical Christmas, with small and large events spread to make the end-of-year holidays unforgettable.

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Photolux Festival 2024
to 12 Dec

Photolux Festival 2024

The Beautiful Country. What does it mean to be Italian today? What are our identity roots and which Italy do we want to build for the future? Photography can help us outline the contemporary image of the Bel Paese, analyzing its evolution, changes and contradictions.

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Lucca Magico Natale
to 6 Jan

Lucca Magico Natale

Lucca is proud to present the traditional market of “Lucca Magical Christmas”, which will take place in the splendid setting of Piazza Napoleone from November 23, 2024 to January 6, 2025. A magical event that will transform the heart of the city into an enchanted Christmas village, full of tradition and fun for adults and children.

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Anna Maria Frabriani
al 1° dicembre

Anna Maria Frabriani

Anna Maria Fabriano 100 years old last June is the ’hidden painter’ who debuts to the public with a very large exposition of her work on Sunday November 10th at 5pm at the Palazzo delle Exposizioni in Piazza San Martino in Lucca.

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Hokusai Exhibit in Pisa
to 23 Feb

Hokusai Exhibit in Pisa

With over 200 works , including masterpieces never exhibited before, the HOKUSAI exhibition at Palazzo Blu in Pisa represents a unique opportunity to get to know the greatest exponent of Ukiyoe , the artistic movement linked to the lifestyle and tastes of the new emerging classes of the then city of Edo, now Tokyo.

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Michelangelo & Power
to 26 Jan

Michelangelo & Power

Florence celebrates Michelangelo with the exhibition "Michelangelo and Power" at Palazzo Vecchio. The exhibition explores the relationship between the Renaissance genius and political, ecclesiastical and society of his time.

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The World I Would Like
al 3 nov

The World I Would Like

In the recently restored rooms of Palazzo Guinigi, the Association of Lucca artists ArteinLucca, created to promote and enhance art in its many forms, presents the exhibition The world I would like, from 10 October to 3 November.

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Mostra "Marcello - L'anti-star di successo
al 27 ottobre

Mostra "Marcello - L'anti-star di successo

La mostra è un omaggio a uno degli attori italiani più famosi al mondo, Marcello Mastroianni, di cui quest'anno si celebra il centenario della nascita (28 settembre 1924), straordinario interprete di alcuni capolavori di Federico Fellini come La Dolce Vita e 8 e mezzo, i primi due film girati insieme, che hanno cambiato la storia del cinema e reso Marcello una star internazionale.

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Birmania, l'arte di Sawangwongdse
al 3 nov

Birmania, l'arte di Sawangwongdse

Le opere di Sawang raccontano, attraverso immagini simboliche, il duro conflitto tra tirannia e democrazia che da anni affligge il popolo birmano. La mostra sarà anche l'occasione per ammirare una selezione di opere in cui l'artista si confronta con la tradizione culturale europea. Dal 21 settembre al 3 novembre 2024

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Lucca & the Institutions
to 31 Oct

Lucca & the Institutions

A journey into the heart of the political and institutional life of the city, which starts in 1949, the year in which Alcide Tosi, a student of the most successful photographers of the time, Benetti, Ghilardi and Cortopassi, opened his first photographic studio in via Fillungo, becoming well soon a point of reference for the local newspapers of the time

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Stagione concertistica Musica del 18° secolo
al 31 dicembre

Stagione concertistica Musica del 18° secolo

La musica del Settecento a Lucca è un progetto che ha come obiettivo la valorizzazione e la diffusione del patrimonio musicale settecentesco. In questo contesto, Lucca occupa un posto di particolare rilievo, sia per l'altissima qualità della sua vita musicale nel XVIII secolo, sia per la quantità di artisti di primo piano che la città ha fornito all'Europa e al mondo intero.

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