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Elvira - Puccini’s Women

  • Auditorium Boccherini 6 Via del Suffragio Lucca, Toscana, 55100 Italia (mappa)

Gino Bertini's second theatre piece will be presented on Wednesday 29 January at 9pm at the Boccherini Auditorium in Lucca. (In Italian) The work will be brought to the stage by exceptional performers, namely Marco Brinzi and Caterina Simonelli.

The event was born from a collaboration between the Lucca Le Mura Lions Club and the Lucca Giacomo Puccini Rotary Club. Bertini's opera was written in recent months and is titled "Elvira... Puccini's woman". It is a piece that was composed taking material from the letters that the Maestro wrote throughout his life. It deals with the composer's sentimental affairs seen from the eyes of his wife. "I am very happy - commented Bertini - to present this second theatre work of mine. It is a new way to talk about aspects of Puccini's life". Entrance is free.

Elvira La Donna di Puccini
29 January

Drink Speak Share

30 January

Puccini & Verdi