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Theatre Ragazzi -Leone Che Striscia

  • Teatro del Giglio 13 Piazza del Giglio Lucca, Toscana, 55100 Italia (mappa)

Lion crawling - Leone Che Striscia analyzes the dynamics of bullying without losing sight of the relationship between the perpetrator, his victims and the group with whose consent, aware or not, the bully implements his manipulation strategies. The show therefore does not narrate bullying, but tries to stage it, to reproduce its dynamics in a protected, public, ritual context, and it does so starting from its most subtle and banal mechanisms, making the spectators participate and act, directly or indirectly they will become accomplices and/or victims of the protagonist, taking on a real role during the development of the staging.

Unmasking Leonechestriscia (translation of the Greek term 'chameleon') and his strategies, after having been victims and accomplices, leads spectators to a different awareness of the power mechanisms on which bullying feeds and which we usually suffer in an unaware way, whatever is the role we believe we play in it.

A show for ages 11 and up. Duration: 50 minutes + debate MORE INFO AND TICKETS

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