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Lucca Olive Oil You

Lucca will become the capital of extra virgin olive oil. An international festival in Lucca, Tuscany, all dedicated to artisanal extra virgin olive oil of excellence, organised by City of Lucca and Fausto Borella’s Accademia Maestrod’olio, in collaboration with Shaner and Marriott Bonvoy with its Grand Universe Lucca & Residences and the prestigious Penn State University School of Hospitality Management.

Over 30 of the best national producers will present their new productions, giving visitors the opportunity to purchase the highest quality oils and participate in - informative conferences on extra virgin olive oil, with experts and professionals in the sector; - guided tastings to discover the peculiarities of the different Italian typologies; - gourmet dinners where chefs, pastry chefs and artisans of taste will celebrate extra virgin olive oil as an ingredient of excellence.

There will also be live music, exhibitions and networking moments to enhance the cultural and convivial aspect of the event. Among the numerous guests, the presence of Giorgio Barchesi (aka Giorgione Orto e Cucina), a well-known face on Italian television and a successful food and wine critic, is confirmed.

Innovation and culture: a festival for everyone "Lucca Olive Oil You" will also involve the Lucca area through unique initiatives: an oil list will be available in the best restaurants in the province, to promote local and national excellence.

Furthermore, thanks to the collaboration with the Education Authority of the province of Lucca and the Ministry of Education, the Maestrod'olio Academy will bring an educational project to schools to raise awareness among young people about the importance of choosing a quality oil. more information and the complete program on the website:

Join us for a weekend of celebration and discovery, including informative conferences about extra virgin olive oil, exclusive tours, olive oil exhibitions and tastings, gourmet culinary dinners, live music and inspiring networking events. MORE INFO AND PROGRAMME

Lucca Olive Oil You
1 February

Park Run

1 February

A Night at the Opera