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Movie in English - The Shrouds

  • 36 Via di Poggio Lucca, Toscana, 55100 Italy (map)

Good Morning Cinema at Cinema Centrale presents The Shrouds, a film directed by David Cronenberg, stars Vincent Cassel as Karsh, a wealthy entrepreneur who, following the death of his wife, invented a revolutionary and controversial technology that allows the living to monitor the decay of the bodies of their loved ones who have died and are wrapped in the techno-shrouds developed by Karsch. When, one night, several tombs in this particular cemetery are desecrated, including that of Karsh's wife, the man decides to track down those responsible: in doing so, however, he will end up making discoveries that will lead him to reconsider many of the ideas he had about his profession, his life and his own marriage. MORE INFO MOVIE TRAILER

6 April

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Lucca Pride: Men's Social Group