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The Hidden Birth of Music - Music & Colour

  • Palazzo Pfanner Via Degli Asili 33 (map)

Address a hidden aspect of Music to understand it as a science and as an art with insights, experiments and live performances and use its power. It is easy to experience that sound and music have an influence on us and scientific studies say that already in the mother's womb we are sensitive to sound and musical stimulation, and this formative action, which is important for the cognitive, emotional and relational development of the individual, continues and intensifies with growth.

Many ancient myths pass down that everything began from a primordial sound, a word, a vibration which is sound-colour-light which has always energised and organised the cosmos in which we too are immersed as its inhabitants.

A series of conferences at Palazzo Pfanner in Italian

Final in the series : April 12: Music and Colour

11 April

Lucca Tattoo Expo

13 April

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